OPTICAL TWEEZERS Posters 1 - 10 | |
P1 - High resolution optical tweezers for single-molecule studies of eukaryotic transcription
K. Paul et al. (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. München, DE) [Abstract PDF] |
P2 - Dynamic force spectroscopy on the binding of monoclonal antibodies and tau peptides
C. Wagner et al. (Leipzig Univ., DE) [Abstract PDF] |
P3 - Drag reduction by DNA-grafting for single microspheres in a dilute λ-DNA solution
O. Ueberschär et al. (Leipzig Univ., DE) [Abstract PDF] |
P4 - Integration of VCSEL-based optical traps with microfluidic channels
A. Bergmann et al. (Ulm Univ., DE) [Abstract PDF] |
P5 - Homology detection during single-strand annealing proceeds via a DNA clamping mechanism
M. Ander et al. (BIOTEC TU Dresden, DE) [Abstract PDF] |
P6 - Optical tweezer for the study of surface properties
C. Ecoffet et al. (CNRS LRC7228, FR & Univ. of Basel,CH) [Abstract PDF] |
P7 - Protofilament switching of Kinesin-8, investigated with Optical Tweezers
M. Bugiel et al. (BIOTEC TU Dresden, DE) [Abstract PDF] |
P8 - Forces of interaction between blank, grafted and blank-grafted colloids by using optical tweezers
T. Stangner et al. (Univ. of Leipzig & Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, DE) [Abstract PDF] |
P9 - Micro-rheology on (polymer-grafted) colloids using optical tweezers
C. Gutsche et al. (Univ. of Leipzig, DE) [Abstract PDF] |
P10 - Inertial effects of a small Brownian particle cause a colored power spectral density of thermal noise
A. Jannasch et al. (BIOTEC TU Dresden, DE) [Abstract PDF] |
Posters 11 - 13 |
P11 - Optical fiber tweezers for 3D manipulation by means two-photon lithography
G. Cojoc et al. (Italian Institute of Technology, Univ. della Magna Graecia & Univ. di Pavia, IT & MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics Dresden, DE) [Abstract PDF] |
P12 - Nanopore translocation dynamics of a single DNA-bound protein
A. Spiering et al. (Bielefeld Univ., DE) [Abstract PDF] |
SPM posters 2011
PosterAwards 2011